The Promised Neverland
The Promised Neverland began as a popular manga series written by the award-winning writer Kaiu Shirai and illustrated by Posuka Demizu. As a result of the graphic novel's popularity, it was adapted into an animated TV show that Madman had acquired for release on Blu-ray.

My role was to design the initial product and the marketing materials that would follow. These included the cover design, discs, menus, marketing assets, and eventually, a convention experience aimed at promoting the show.  
Home video release
Marketing assets
Convention Exhibit 
After releasing Promised Neverland on home video, we wanted to put together a convention exhibit to promote it and give fans an engaging experience at Madman Anime Festival.
Promised Neverland had never had a convention exhibit anywhere else in the world before we attempted it, so I didn't have anything to appropriate my design from. As a result of this, I studied the myriad of production artwork we had on hand to create my design. I wanted the walls of the exhibit to be 3-metre wide wall panels, reflecting the inside of the "Gracefield House" featured in the show.
To do this I used Illustrator to create wireframes for the lamps, windows, walls, and many other elements within Illustrator. Next, I took those wireframes into Photoshop and filled them in with textures I created and colours matched from production artwork.  

Reference images
Finished artwork
The execution
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